Albertsons Pregnancy Discrimination Lawsuit

June 2, 2019 Legal Team
An Alberston's manager, Reyna Garcia, filed a pregnancy discrimination lawsuit against the grocery chain for failing to accommodate her high risk pregnancy with light duty.After she became pregnant Reyna Garcia told her store manager that she had a history of pre-term delivery and asked that her pregnancy be accommodated through lighter work. The store manager's response...
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Employers Required to Accommodate Muslim Employees for Prayers

May 28, 2019 Legal Team
A federal judge gave the green light for the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) to proceed to trial against JBS USA LLC in an action to accommodate Somali Muslim workers by denying reasonable accommodation requests for prayer breaks.The primary allegations made by the employees stem from management's refusal to change the time of...
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Are Employers Required to Provide Seating to Employees?

May 23, 2019 Legal Team
A popular wage and hour claim surrounds employee seating at retail stores. In California, employees required to stand for extended periods at work may be able to sue their employers if they can prove the nature of the work reasonably permits the use of seats. However, what constitutes “nature of work” and “reasonably” are...
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Background Checks: How Far Back Can My Employer Look?

April 8, 2019 Legal Team
Although companies are permitted to request and conduct background checks, there are some limits on what the companies can ask and what they can do with that information.In California, for instance, a company cannot look back more than seven years, so a youthful indiscretion won't follow you for the rest of your working life.Background...
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Can My Boss Require Me to Share My Social Media Profiles?

April 4, 2019 Legal Team
I think it is safe to say, most people have social media accounts if they have access to the Internet.  But some may wonder what protections are in place to protect their personal photos, daily tweets, private posts and page likes from access by a current or prospective employer.CA Law – Employee Social Media AccessThe...
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