The Family and Medical Leave Act may be remixed in 2014. Representative Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY) has proposed the Family and Medical Leave Enhancement Act of 2014 that would amend the original and make it broader for use.
Currently, in order to be eligible for FMLA leave, an employer must have fifty (50) or more people employed within twenty-five (25) miles of each other. One may take up to twelve (12) weeks in any given year period for a variety of different reasons that include: childbirth; adoption of a child; care for a spouse, child, or parent with a serious health condition; a serious health condition of oneself; and any thereof applied to a service member on “covered active duty.”
The amended act seeks to reduce the number of employees needed for FMLA to apply for the company. Instead of 50, the enhancement asks for twenty-five (25) or more employees working within the same established radius. Also, it wishes to broaden the scope of the leave by including other legitimate reasons for taking an FMLA leave.
The following reasons could now be included: participate in or attend an activity sponsored by a school or community organization that relates to a program an employee’s son, daughter, or grandchild attends; take care of family medical and dental care for spouses, children, etc.; and visit nursing and care facilities to attend to elderly family.