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Female Comedians Will Face Sexual Harassment at Work Everyday

June 5, 2015 Legal Team

Jen Grant, a comedian from Toronto, started a set at a corporate event, ready to get some laughs. Grant has been a comedian for 16 years. That day, rather than leaving the stage with a smile on her face, she left the stage in tears. She had never cried after a set before in her entire career.

While doing her set, a man in the audience spoke, in what Grant described as a “rapey” voice, “There’s a 51 percent chance that my buddy here will have sex with you, and I will take the other 49%.” Grant took to her blog after the show, titling her post, “I was sexually harassed at work.”

Since the days Grant posted in her blog, there have been both supporters and critics. The comedy industry is not void of sexism; many male comedians actually embrace it for the material. The most difficult realization to swallow, however, is that any workplace can be rampant with sexual harassment.

According to a study done last year, the most sexually harassing job is being a server in the food industry. Not only is a server susceptible to harassment from patrons, but he or she can get heckled and harassed by owners, managers, etc. 37% of sexual harassment claims filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission were from restaurant servers.

The technology industry also sees continuous sexual harassment complaints; many that go unheard. In an industry that is primarily male-driven, female victims of sexual harassment feel unable to speak in case it makes them look weak or the tables are turned against them.

If you feel you have experienced sexual harassment on the job, please contact one of our Aegis attorneys today.

Source: EEOC